AMF service test and debug utility

Opublikowany 2 maja 2012, w Narzędzia, przez Rafał Gałka

Each time implements AMF API in PHP there is a problem with testing. I was looking for a simple tool for a long time. Without Adobe Flash IDE it’s hard to check if the communication is correct and the data after encoding/decoding is in proper format.

Finally! Many thanks to my friend Łukasz for telling me about pinta. This simple tool is made with Adobe AIR and allows you to specify the address, services, methods, parameters and see if it works. Just before sending API specification to the programmer, that will implement client application.

PS: Unfortunately, Adobe AIR is no longer supported on the Linux platform, but fortunately there is Virtualbox ;)

PS2: I decided to start writing my blog entries in english. I’m don’t using this language quite a lot (beyond reading) and this blog is the only one place where I do not need to check a couple of times whether it is correctly written ;) So it’s time to move forward and go beyond Polish borderlines and begin to share my experiences with rest of the world ;)

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